Friday, May 3, 2013

Embracing the Beauty of Silence

What started as a pause in our conversation, extended into silence. The distance between us felt as far as our phones were apart. I counted the seconds from my friend’s last word. Every part of me wanted to jump into the empty space. As an extrovert, I felt uncomfortable with what seemed like an awkward silence. Usually, I would take this as either a cue to say something or bring the conversation to a close.  Practicing what I had learned in a three-day communication skills training class, I tried patience for a change. As it turned out, it was not an awkward silence. I gave him time to reflect and in turn say something meaningful to me. Had I spoken up, neither of us would have gained from this level of insight and intimacy.  A smile crept onto my face. I could not believe it. For the first time, I was learning the beauty of silence. After this experience, I began to listen better with my kids and anyone who came into my path, be it on the phone or in person; a dear friend or a new acquaintance.
            Silence is not only the absence of sound, but also the presence of an inner stillness if we are open to it. To truly listen, we must concentrate on what is being said and not on formulating a response. It is giving the other person total attention. It is quieting our mind.
In reflecting on the discovery of the importance of being quiet, I realized that I was filling the silence during my time with God. I often aimlessly chattered. From my lessons on listening, I saw that I was talking, not communicating; rambling, not connecting. God gave me many clues in the Bible and in my life, but I could not hear them over my own voice.
We can not hear God’s voice until we learn to be still. Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God”, tells us what it takes to know Him. His presence is always around, but in failing to develop the skill of blocking out the many distractions of our modern world and our incessant thoughts, we are unable to hear Him. Many times, instead of a great wind or a thundering crash, He comes in a whisper. He wants an intimate relationship where we are close enough to hear His soft voice. Then we can find bliss in having God in our still heart. Reading the Bible shows us examples. Grace gives us the patience to wait on Him and the strength to act when we hear. In obedience, we develop an assurance that allows us to step out in faith. With grace, patience, confidence and strength, we intuitively know when He speaks and can humbly listen.
God is inviting you to listen. Can you hear Him? I pray that you and I find stillness as we walk in His presence.

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