Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Rocky Mountain High

     Snowflakes slowly fall from the sky. An accumulation has not yet begun, only a dusting of these flakes covers the scenery. It is late September and hiking alone at 10,000 feet in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado is exhilarating. There are other hikers walking this trail if trouble finds me so I relax in the solitude. The higher I hike, the more spectacular the view. The peaks in the distance rise dramatically as they point upward. A mountain lake nestles in an alpine meadow. Trees are changing into scraggly bushes as I approach the tree line elevation. The cold air enters my lungs as I greedily suck in more oxygen. The moderate breeze adds to the crisp fall weather and the sound it makes going through the trees is music to my ears. Layering my clothes allows me to stay warm in spite of the outside temperatures. The aspen leaves are letting go for the next season. Summer is gone, fall surrounds me and I am finally at peace.
      Peace, that elusive feeling that comes and goes at will. How can I attain a lasting peace? Paul states in Philippians 4:7- “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”.

      Because I feel deeply that I am where I am suppose to be, I have peace no matter how upsetting the situation looks, I can rest knowing that life is going to play out in my favor. The end result may not be my first choice, but it will be God’s best choice for me. God says “I have plans for you, plans to prosper you”. He is faithful and trustworthy. Putting my trust in Him is crucial to experiencing the peace that passes all understanding. Thanking God for all circumstances, even the painful ones which are really blessings in disguise, allows Him to work miracles in my life. Gratitude opens me up to infinite possibilities. I am able to see the good in my life and embrace all that comes.                                
     Because of my history with God, I know that He can take charge of any situation and solve it to enhance his plan for me. He has to do the work, I can’t force it, but I do have to be a willing participant.
     Peace can only exist where there is an absence of worry and anxiety. Worry comes from the old English word meaning strangle. I can only experience true peace when I pass my worries over to the One who offers to take them from me. I am tempted to find that comfort in another human, but I know I will always be disappointed in the end. Only God can be that for me. When I accept whatever God puts in my path as necessary to my growth, I can feel peace. A calm serenity fills me and it is not lost when my outer world is strife-ridden. I don’t have to work hard to get what I need. The opposite is true. When I relax in the knowledge that God is going to bring what is necessary, life is no longer a struggle. ‘All in good time’ becomes reality and I can rest assured that God has my back, my best and my future. Everything feels right with my soul.
     When I cast my burdens on Him, my soul finds itself at one with its Creator. Deep inside me, I have a connection with God that becomes clogged. When the communion is blocked, I feel hollow. I often find myself feeding that emptiness with lots of activities and material goods that temporarily keep my mind busy, but it is fleeting. Only when I get myself right with God will the channel open and His peace will flow. His peace is like the bottom of the ocean where the storms of the surface have no impact. When I rise above the tempests of life through faith and trust, I can look upon the valley below, smiling, knowing God is with me. This serenity has to reside inside me for it won’t last if it is based on my environment. I encourage you to turn towards the One who can give you everlasting peace. It will make all the difference in your life and you will feel His presence no matter where you are. Shalom!

Author's note- pictures taken in a different time and place, but I wanted to show you the majesty of the Rocky Mountains!

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